Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year - New Beginnings

Music playing currently: Hilary Duff's "Metamorphosis" (from her "MOST WANTED" CD).

Well, the holidays are finally over, and I'm starting to slow down from the high. New Years' Eve went off well -- another evening spent eating steak, seafood stuffed mushrooms, and salad, and then watching 2 movies before seeing the Ball drop (in Times Square) on TV. :o)

Today, I took down my (artificial) tree. Usually I leave my Christmas decorations up for an extra week or so, but since there's no snow outside at the moment, I thought it'd be better to get the tree and other decorations put away out in the garage now. :-?

I made out like a bandit this Christmas (as seen in my previous post)! And, a couple of days ago I went to Wal-Mart and picked up 2 more things with the money I'd had left over....

"MOST WANTED" by Hilary Duff - CD

The movie is my all-time favorite! And, for the CD, I was going to get METAMORPHOSIS, but this one had all the songs I wanted, anyway ("COME CLEAN", "SO YESTERDAY", and "FLY"), so it was good. And, I'm thrilled 'cause it's got a few others that I'm really coming to love! I love Hilary Duff's music! :o)

This past week I've been extremely busy with getting all of the paperwork together for my one online group, Book-a-Week. Reason being, I'm the Bookmark Exchange Coordinator. Everyone who signed up and reaches the group's goal of reading either 52 or 100 books in 2005, will get a bookmark from another goal-reaching member. I make up the lists of who reached the goal, and who sends bookmarks to whom. Lots of fun! :o) I read 55 books in 2005, so I'll be getting my bookmark, again! Yay!

The group is also starting to accept new members, again, today. They only accept new members between January 1st and February 21st of each year, so it's gonna get busy in the next week or two. :-) I'm looking forward, though, to meeting all the new people, and to my TBR mountain growing yet some more! :-P

I'm excited to start off the new reading year -- I've already gotten several chapters into one of my new books, "THE LAZARUS TRAP" by Davis Bunn. It's pretty good, even though it took a few pages to get what was going on. LOL.

I already posted my reading goals, but for the record, here are my other goals for the year:
(**And, note that I no longer call them "Resolutions" because I don't reach them unless I call them goals -- even then it's still a challenge! LOL**)

* read my Bible daily
* spend at least 10 minutes daily in Quiet Time with God
* memorize 1 Scripture verse per week
* continue attending church & Bible study
* work on character traits (integrity, trust, love, forgiveness, mercy, etc)

* release 11# to get to my goal of 122#
* drink 2-3 bottles of water DAILY
* keep using my Walk Away the Pounds DVDs every Monday/Wednesday/Friday (in other words, walk 3 x per week)
* tighten flabby areas via strength-training, etc.
* keep following the THIN WITHIN principles to maintain my weight-release, and to stay healthy

Here's to a wonderful year!!!


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