Saturday, June 25, 2005

Have You Heard?

There is this really great Booklover's website called Bookcrossing! If you have books that you no longer want, or books that you know you'll never read again, check out this site!

When you register a book at, you're given a unique BCID (Bookcrossing ID) for that book. You write this number inside the book's front cover, with a little note saying to please visit Then you take that "registered" book, and you leave it somewhere -- a park bench, a city bus, a coffee shop -- for someone else to find! All bookcrossers hope that their "wild released" books will be found, journalled at Bookcrossing, read, and then released again to continue their travels. The whole point of Bookcrossing is to "make the whole world a library!" If you ask me, this is a GREAT idea!

Books just wanna be FREE! See what I mean at!


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