Friday, April 14, 2006

Teachers That Read

I've been thinking, lately, about the teachers that played a part in making me the avid reader that I am today.

In grade three, Miss Shaw read "James & The Giant Peach" to our class. I loved imagining the characters riding in that peach!

And, in grades 7 and 8 I had the same teacher... Mr. K. He would read to us from James Herriot's animal books. Our class would crack up with laughter when he "did the voices" for the different characters, and we'd get especially giddy when he read the stories of "Tricky Woo, the flatulent dog". :-P

In highschool, I think our teacher, Miss Warkentin, read to us a few times. She was a great English teacher. She wasn't much older than we were (when we were in grade nine, she was only 24), so we always had a great time with her. :o)

I think all teachers should spend time reading to their students. I have such fond memories of being read to. :o)


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