Overwhelmed & Sore
I'm once again feeling overwhelmed by books. I've just gotten 3 or 4 new books in the mail (review books) and, not that I'm complaining, I'm looking at them and thinking, "How am I going to read all of those AND fit in my own books, too?!" I'm still desperately trying to get through The Hadassah Covenant by Tommy Tenney. I've just had so little time to read, lately, and my interest-level has been low ... not because of the book (it's a great book!), but because of a bit of depression. :-?
Also, I somehow sprained my *good* arm the other day, and now it's aching (is that how you spell that?). Hard to type, hard to write, hard to click with the mouse, hard to hold anything, hard to tug on anything (fridge door, tupperware container lids...). I don't know if it's Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or if it's something else. Doesn't really feel a lot like Carpal Tunnel ... I've had that before. Yes, my wrist hurts, but most of the pain is in the top of my forearm! :-( Very frustrating.
Anyhoo. I'm just frustrated and overwhelmed. So many books, too little time! :-?
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