Monday, May 15, 2006

My new pet...

Well, our baby squirrel, Squeaks, arrived yesterday. And, he's certainly "fiesty"! He goes 'round and 'round and 'round the hamster cage, almost pleading with us to let him out. :-?

He's completely worn me out today ... I've let him out a few times to romp around the house (figured he could use the exercise). He runs up and down me, and all over the furniture. But, his favorite trick is running for the kitchen. When he gets there, he searches and searches for a way up onto the counters (luckily there's no way he can get up there!).

I'm starting to second-guess my decision to take him on, though. I don't know that I have the patience to keep 'babysitting' this little guy. He eats every 2-3 hours, and he's been biting a bit harder today. He's also lunged for my face a few times, and that scares me.

I don't want to give him to the Wildlife people (i've heard nasty stories), but I might have to. I've got enough stresses in my life right now, and I don't need more. :-?

I love the little guy, and it's neat to have him here -- he'd only need to stay here for another 5 weeks, or so, before he's old enough to be released back out in the wild -- but I just don't know. :-(


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