Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A Follow-Up to My "Funny Story"

I may just have to title this "The Bird Came Back, The Very Next Day", ala Fred Penner! LOL.

My friend, the robin (who I've dubbed George, as he's so curious!), has continued to pester us. At first his "knocking" on our back door was cute. I thought it funny that he kept seeming to try to get my attention.

Then George started pecking on *other* windows of my house ... including my bedroom windows at 6:30 a.m!!!

Now George is a regular visitor here. Every day, George comes to peck at one window or other. He's made the rounds of my house now. I don't think there's a window he's missed! And, it's starting to get a little annoying. I don't think George is right in that little birdy-head of his!

I've tried taping pictures of owls to my windows in hopes of scaring George off. It didn't work. Only made George frantic. :-?

We also tried setting a figurine of Buzz Lightyear out on the railing, but that didn't deter our crazy bird.

If you have any other suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them! I really don't want to call the Wildlife society to come out and put George to sleep. I want to figure out a solution. So far, though, nothing I've thought up has worked. :0?



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