Friday, January 27, 2006

Dental Visit

My son and I had to visit the dentist, today, for our regular check-up. I was all good. Then I got the news...

My son is being scheduled for an Orthodontist appointment because: 1) his upper jaw is underdeveloped, and 2) his teeth are coming in wrong and it's wrecking the spacing. He'll probably need braces and an appliance. :-?

At first I was a bit panicked thinking it's going to cost a fortune! You hear parents complain about having to spend tons on their kids' dental work, and how their kids' mouths are "worth a bunch". :-? But, then I had to thank the Lord for the benefits supplied by my husband's workplace! (whew!)

So, time will tell. I suppose it's not *that* big of a deal. It could always be worse, right? But, it's still a little worrisome.


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