Thursday, May 05, 2005

Roller Coaster Ride

My emotions have been on a roller-coaster ride lately. I think it's just stress and lack of sleep. One minute I'm happy or content, the next minute the world is out to get me and I'm bawling. In case you're wondering, no, I'm not expecting. But, lately it's felt like it! LOL. I'm not usually so moody! (or, so I believe! LOL)

A lot of things have been getting to me lately. I shouldn't let them. But, I do. One thing, in particular, is lack of enough money to take online courses and get my MLIS degree. Yes, I want to be a Librarian. Go ahead - laugh. But, it is honestly what I want to be. My husband thinks I'm nuts. He thinks I will get bored, and won't enjoy that. But, when you consider the fact that I can lay on my bed for hours just staring at the books on my shelves, I think it's safe to say I won't get bored working in a Library. :o)

Anyhoo. Perhaps my reading slump, as of late, has something to do with the blues I've been experiencing. It depresses me to not be in the mood to read. :o(

Current read: "FLEE THE NIGHT" by Susan May Warren.

It's a good book, so hopefully it will pull me out of this "slump".


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Heather said...

I would laugh at you for wanting to be a Librarian. I have the same dream and the same roadblock. Lack of funds and a husband who thinks I'm crazy for wanting to go back to school. Everyone says being a Librarian sounds boring, but what is boring about getting to fondle books all day and help readers find new and exciting books to read? Sounds like heaven to me!!

I do hope you feel better soon. I have down days too and they are no fun!

At 7:44 AM, Blogger BookCafe said...

Thanks, Heather. I wish you all the luck in fighting for your dreams, too! :)


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