Sunday, May 08, 2005

Furry House-Guest, continued!

Well, the wildlife rescuers aren't able to come until Monday, so we've gotten to enjoy Hickory's company for the weekend.

He's soooo friendly! Every time I'd leave the room yesterday, he would cry and cry! So, I went in and picked him up out of the cage, and then he fell asleep in my arms. :0) So, that's where he spent most of yesterday ... curled up in my arms. He wouldn't let me put him down! As soon as I put him back in his cage, he would cry. I just can't stand to hear him crying like that, so I cuddled him. :o)

Right now, Hickory is all curled up in my husband's arms, having a sleep on the couch. It's just too cute!

We took Hickory outside to enjoy the sunshine earlier. He crawled around in the grass for a bit, and then he climbed into my hand. So, I sat on the deck, and Hickory sprawled out on my lap, and then he fell asleep. He's just the sweetest little guy, and it's gonna break my heart to have to give him up tomorrow. :o( BUT, I know that it's best for him. He needs to be where he can be taken care of properly, and where he won't be so attached. He will need to be released into the wild again, some day, so it's best if he can go to people who are able to withstand his little pleas for attention. :0?

For now, though, Hickory has become part of the family. He loves us, and we've grown to love him. :o)


At 7:07 PM, Blogger Andi said...

Aaaawwwwww!!!! I didn't know baby squirrels would ever do that kind of thing! How sweet!

At 7:45 AM, Blogger BookCafe said...

Oh, he was TOTALLY sweet! I'm just sooooo sad that he's gone. :(


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