Saturday, April 30, 2005

Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit by Charles F. Stanley

Also just started reading this book! It's good, so far. I like Mr. Stanley's writing.


Currently starting to read this book. It has been on my To Be Read (tbr) pile for quite some time now. Just discovered that my local library carries it! Yay! :-D


Just some fun tidbits....

1. If you could be a color, what color would you be?

** I would be Blue. It's the color of water, and the color of the sky. To me, Blue is a "free" color.

2. If I were an animal, I would be...

** A cat. I love to lie in sunshine, I love lazy-day naps, and I have a mind of my own! ;-)

3. My favorite gift would be...

** A stack of my wished-for books, all tied up in a bow! :-D

4. One of the best gifts I ever received was ...

** This is hard. There have been several! I loved getting Chapters gift certificates -- I could buy any books I wanted! :-D But, I also have received some great CDs and clothes, and such. I really love the Egyptian Cat figurine that my brother gave me one year. Egypt and Cats -- two of my favorite things (other than books, of course!). It's three Egyptian cats on a stand, with a tea-light candle in the middle, and a potpourri dish that sits balanced on the three cats' heads. :-)

5. My favorite flower is ___________ for its ___________....

** A red rose for its timelessness.

6. My favorite season is _________....

** Fall. I love how the leaves turn colors, and the smell in the air, and that the air is just the right temperature for a sweater and jeans. :-)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

What to choose?

First of all, I must say ... I *LOVE* this color! :-P

Okay. LOL. Now for the *real* reason I'm posting!

Today I finished reading a book by Wendy Markham called "Mike, Mike & Me". It's about Beau who, in her younger years, is dating a guy named Mike. They're in love, and she's looking toward their future together. Then Beau meets "the other Mike". She dates both of them for a while, but is eventually forced to choose which one she really wants to be with.
(A very good book -- recommended!)

Anyhoo. Now I don't know what to read next! I'm slightly in the mood for a Regency romance. I haven't read one of those in quite some time. Dilemma here is, though, that if I'm going to read one of *those*, I'd rather it be Gaelen Foley's newest book, "ONE NIGHT OF SIN". This is book 6 in the Knight Miscellany ... and Gaelen is one of my favorite authors!

Other books I could choose would be:

A. One from my stack of library books....
"SHELF LIFE" by Suzanne Strempek Shea
"MOLOKA'I" by Allan Brennert

B. One from the box of Crossings Book Club books I ordered....
"JESUS: An Intimate Portrait of the Man..." by Leith Anderson
"FLEE THE NIGHT" by Susan May Warren

C. I could read one of hundreds of my *own* books!

I just really don't know. I started "THE THIRD TRANSLATION" today, but am not sure if that's quite what I'm in the mood for. I *will* get to reading that, it's just that that might not be what I need right this minute.

People say that, if you're in a slump, pick up several different books, and read a bit of each one until one grabs you. I might do this. I hate not knowing what to read! :-?


Grrr.... >:-/

Playing Scrabble online, the other day, against my Mother, I was accused of cheating. Can you believe that? Why on earth would I cheat at my favorite game? Does anything productive ever come from cheating ... really? No.

Here's what happened:

I played CODGERS -- a nice 7-letter word! I never get those! I'd been rearranging my tiles, and this showed up. It sounded familiar, so I checked in my Scrabble Dictionary to be sure it was a word before I played it (some people say you're not supposed to do this, but this is how I've ALWAYS played! ... and my Mom plays this way, too ... FYI). Anyhoo. I played it, and I scored 79 points.

Later in the game, I played RAJ. This is a word I've learned -- through playing online Scrabble with other friends -- that is acceptable. It means "dominion; sovereignty".

Next thing I know, my Mom plays YIRR. I *know* my Mom doesn't use this in everyday speech, and I figured it wasn't a word she just knew (don't get me wrong ... my Mom knows a lot of words that I've never heard of! But, this one just didn't seem likely). I asked if she looked it up, and she said, "Yes." Then I said, "Cheating now, are we?" She responds with, "Don't tell me you don't."

Ugh! The injustice! I would NOT cheat! Especially not at my favorite game! I was quite offended. >:-?

Can I help it that I've played a lot of Scrabble and, therefore, have learned a lot of new words -- words you/I may not use in everyday speech? No. Can I help it that I read a lot, and -- in so doing -- pick up a lot of new words? No. I love to read, and I love to play Scrabble, and if those things increase my vocabulary, so be it ... all the better, if you ask me!

Anyhoo. Mom finally sulked and said something along the lines of, "Well then, obviously you're a lot smarter than me!" No, Mom. Not smarter. I just possibly have a greater "Scrabble Word" knowledge. :0?

Spring Musing

I love Spring. :0)

I love seeing the new leaves on trees, and I love it when my Rose bushes start to show signs of new life. My tulips are just coming out. They're purple. The roses are pink and white.

I love that I didn't have to plant ANY of that! LOL. They came with our house. At my old house I got Tulips (red, yellow, and white), and Narcissus, and Tiger Lilies. All wonderful plants that you didn't need to do ANYTHING to, and they just kept coming back! What bliss!

Roses are a different story. They need lots of attention! But, they're turning me into a Gardener! LOL. I never considered myself to have a "green thumb", but it seems to be ... ahem!... *growing* on me. ;-P

Anyhoo. I also love standing outside, waiting for the kids' bus to arrive, and feeling the now-warmer breeze on my face, and the sunshine. :o)

Apparently I'm in a sappy mood today! ;-P

A Follow-Up to My "Funny Story"

I may just have to title this "The Bird Came Back, The Very Next Day", ala Fred Penner! LOL.

My friend, the robin (who I've dubbed George, as he's so curious!), has continued to pester us. At first his "knocking" on our back door was cute. I thought it funny that he kept seeming to try to get my attention.

Then George started pecking on *other* windows of my house ... including my bedroom windows at 6:30 a.m!!!

Now George is a regular visitor here. Every day, George comes to peck at one window or other. He's made the rounds of my house now. I don't think there's a window he's missed! And, it's starting to get a little annoying. I don't think George is right in that little birdy-head of his!

I've tried taping pictures of owls to my windows in hopes of scaring George off. It didn't work. Only made George frantic. :-?

We also tried setting a figurine of Buzz Lightyear out on the railing, but that didn't deter our crazy bird.

If you have any other suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them! I really don't want to call the Wildlife society to come out and put George to sleep. I want to figure out a solution. So far, though, nothing I've thought up has worked. :0?


More about books I'm wishing for....

Well, I'm pleased. Last night I got it into my head to take a list of books from my new Amazon wishlist and request that my library order them for their system. Now, I did this knowing that often they will only order one or two of the 10 I ask for (I think there were actually about 10 that I requested last night). :o)

I didn't check the system before requesting all of these. I just naturally assumed they'd not be there.

Today, I was happily surprised to get messages from the library saying that half of the books I requested were "already in the system" -- and holds had been placed! Yay!

Always nice when they surprise me like that! I feel bad for not trusting them to get better books! ;0)

Anyhoo. I'm happy. Now I will get to read several books I've had on my TBR list for a bit now....

CRYSTAL LIES by Melody Carlson
THE DEBT by Angela Hunt
SOUL TRACKER by Bill Meyers

Again, Yay! :0)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Wished-For Books!

Well, I've created a new Wishlist, and I'm totally excited about it! It took me a while to log all of my wished-for books. And, I've slimmed down my list, if you can believe it! Though, in a few days (or, perhaps weeks), that won't be true any more. Books are CONSTANTLY being added to my ever-growing wishlist! Kind of like Mt. TBR ("to be read"). ;-P

Check out my Wished-For Books HERE!

Stressful Day

Oh, what a day I've had! Why is it that, when you're doing something idiotic in a group, and others are frustrated with you, but you don't know the "rules" so you don't know you're acting idiotic ... no one tells you???

Apparently, in one group I belong to, I was breaking one of their "rules". But no one ever told me that that "rule" existed in the first place so, therefore, I was clueless -- until this morning, anyway! Now I'm just humiliated, frustrated, annoyed, and feeling just a *teeny* bit stupid. :-?


MOOD: exhausted &-(

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Had a great visit with my friend, Debi, this weekend! She came over on Friday, and spent the night here at my house (she lives an hour-and-a-half away).

We talked books, we discussed Bookcrossing, and we looked through my bookshelves. I showed her my Scrapbooks, and she showed me hers. And, I also showed her my Library database. :-)

We watched a movie last night. "Bridget Jones' Diary 2". It was cute. I'd forgotten that there was so much foul-language in it, but it didn't detract much from my enjoyment of the movie. I still found it humorous, and was glad I watched it.

Today Debi and I went Book shopping! I took her to two of my favorite stores ... the goodwill store where they have a room designated as their "library" -- books there are only $0.50 each -- and the Dollar store (I love cheap notebooks and such!). We also visited the local bookstore, but didn't find anything there that we wanted today.

I had a good time. I'm glad Debi could come to visit. It's nice to have friends that understand --truly!-- my obsession with books and reading! Oh! Here's a good example ... At one point, during our visit, Debi and I had been sitting at the kitchen table talking. I got up to do something, and when I came back, Debi was engrossed in her book. I could see that she was on the last page of a chapter, so I kept quiet to let her finish. A few minutes later she shut the book. I asked her, "Did you finish your page?" She said "no". I said, "Well, why not?! Go ahead and finish your chapter! I know it drives *me* crazy if I have to close the book, and I'm not quite finished the chapter!" She laughed, and I could tell that she was thinking the exact same thing. :-D Thank the Lord for friends that just "get it". :-P

Friday, April 22, 2005

Must Read This!

"SAVANNAH FROM SAVANNAH" by Denise Hildreth.

"Though first place in a fiction contest guarantees that Savannah Phillip's novel will be published, she soon discovers that her mother-Savannah, Georgia's most charming if diva-like citizen-is behind her literary win. So, mortified and furious, she resolves to give up her dreams of literary fame and moves home to prove herself to her mother, her city, and herself.

Following in the footsteps of her career hero, a columnist for The Savannah Chronicle, Savannah gets a job at the paper and sets out to turn the journalism world on its ears.

Her very first assignment is a quest for truth, investigating what appears to be a rigged beauty pageant. Readers will journey with Savannah as she forges new dreams, uncovers the heartache of loss, and comes to terms with her unique calling." [from]

My rating: 5 stars! *****

This book was humorous in its first-person narrative, the characters seemed very *real*, and the storyline grabbed me right from the very first sentence! Awesome! HIGHLY recommended. :)

What's new...

The other day, a friend offered me an old bookcase. I had told her I was looking for one, as I've run out of places to store my books. The piles on the floor were growing!

Of course, I accepted the offer, and was THRILLED to receive this beautiful 5-shelf bookcase!

Immediately I wiped it down, and then got to work stuffing it with all of my new paperbacks! The shelf is practically full already! LOL

I'm a happy camper! :~D

<>< ** <>< ** <>< ** <>< ** <>< ** <>< ** <>< ** <>< ** <><

On another note ... I'm so hopping excited! My online friend, Debi, is coming to stay over at my house tonight! She and I are going to have a book-crazy weekend -- book-shopping, scrapbooking, movie-watching, popcorn-eating, book chatter ... TOO MUCH FUN!!! I'm really looking forward to it. :)

Monday, April 18, 2005

Have you read...?

Here are some of my all-time favorite books. Have you read any of these? If so, what did you think? (leave me a "comment!")

GIRL MEETS GOD by Lauren Winner
The author's memoir about her conversion from Judaism to Christianity. A fascinating tale! I loved the friend-to-friend writing style, and the fact that Ms. Winner detailed both faiths. It was great to read such a book, and I wish there were other books like this out there, that give comparisons between Christianity and *other* faiths, too! It was a great, easy, fun way to learn about Judaism ... a faith I previously didn't know much about. Thanks, Lauren! :)

Danielle and Budgeron are two Ferrets that aim to be published authors. One finds success easily, the other struggles. I loved this book so much that I re-read it every year! It's terribly inspirational to an aspiring author like me, and I recommend it highly to anyone else seeking to become published! :)

THE MOON BELOW by Barbara Bickmore
Hallie Thomas travels from England to Australia to marry a man she'd met in childhood, but hasn't seen in years. On her way over to Australia, though, she meets Tristan -- a doctor -- and falls for him. I love Hallie's strength and courage. This is a great read, and it even stands up to rereading! Recommended. :)

KNIGHT Miscellany by Gaelen Foley
This is actually a series of books. So far, there are 6:

6. ONE NIGHT OF SIN (** New! I've not read this one, yet! **)
The setting for these books is Regency England -- one of my favorite time periods! I love the romantic suspense, and Ms. Foley never disappoints. I have read almost all of her books published to date, and have loved each and every one. HIGHLY recommended.


I'm disappointed. Apparently the library won't be having a sale this month, after all. :-( I'm big-time bummed!

Will be hitting the Goodwill stores in search of "new-to-me" books, instead.

Perhaps this is for the best. I've run out of room for more books (there are now books sitting in boxes, and piled in piles), and will need to get more shelving in the VERY near future. Just saving my pennies! ;-)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Here's a Funny Story ...

Last week, as I sat at my computer, all-of-a-sudden there was a lot of noise happening on my back porch. So, I rolled my chair over to have a look. Well, as it turns out, there was a young Robin that kept flying into my back door! He repeatedly flew at the window, and pecked it with his beak!

I went over to the door, and the Robin landed on the porch railing. He cocked his head and looked at me, so I talked to him, and told him he was silly. That he couldn't come in the house! He chirped at me, and then flew away. I went back to the computer.

A few minutes later, the Robin was back. Again, he pecked on the window, and I went to see what he wanted. He, again, sat on the railing and chirped at me, and cocked his head. :P

This continued for the next 2 HOURS!!!! Finally I had to hang a curtain over the window for fear the poor bird would injure himself!

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Today, my Robin friend is back! LOL. He's pecking at the window again, and he's sitting on the railing and chirping at me every time I go to see what he wants! LOLOL. This just cracks me up! LOL

My neighbor saw this bird's antics last week, and she, too, thought it was just hilarious! The fact that the bird is back today makes me really wonder WHY he keeps trying to get my attention! LOL

Just TOO funny! :P

Can't Wait!

I've really been looking forward to the upcoming Library Book Sale. They have one twice a year! BUT, I recently heard that they may not have one this time around! Ack! Heaven forbid!!!

My Library Sales are great! All paperbacks are only $0.10, and all hardcovers are only $0.25! What a deal! I usually come home with 20-40 "new" books. :~P

I've got my fingers crossed that the sale will still take place. I'd be sooo disappointed if it didn't. :<

Cross your fingers for me? ;) Thanks!


Hello! I was inspired to create a blog because my online friends were creating theirs! :~)

I'm not quite sure, yet, what I'll add here. Maybe just random thoughts, maybe book reviews, maybe something else entirely. :~)

Be patient. I'll add things here as often as I can. Thanks!